Monday, April 02, 2012

Even a lost pillow can glorify God

Our time in Canada has come to an end.

Visas arrived! We did some blitz packing and last minute time with family and were on our way back to Asia! It was a long flight with 2 little ones, but they did great.

Silas sat in his own seat, ate his special kids meals, coloured, watched tv, and even made a friend when he peaked over the seat behind us--a boy from Ontario, on his way to China with his dad. Silas keeps asking where his friend is now. This morning, when he asked again, I (Sarah) explained to him that his friend went to his home in China, Silas said "I need to go outside now. I need to make another new friend." We couldn't be more proud of our friendly, courageous boy! How much we can learn from him. If only we all could say "I need to go make another new friend" more often.

This was Kali's first time flying over the ocean. She also did great! She slept for part of the time, jumped around on our laps, and enjoyed smiling at all the sleeping passengers and very attentive flight attendants with her 2 new teeth. She is also very friendly, like Silas, and captures the hearts of everyone she meets. We love our little Angel!

We are now taking a few days to rest in Bali. So far, we've eaten lots of tropical fruit, swam in the pool, and slept slept slept. 7pm was bed time for all of us last night. Aside from a couple wake up calls from the kids, we all slept through the night. Nap time was welcomed by both kiddos this afternoon. Usually, the suggestion of nap time brings many tears from both kids, but today they actually sighed with relief as they laid down in their cribs. Yes, Silas in a crib! ha! Our "big" boy, couldn't get a cot, but he's enjoying his tent/cage for now, even though it is a bit small.

Silas sleeping with his favorite blue blanky

Kali sleeping with her favorite baby dolls

Tired and travel worn, but thankful for safe flights,
and all our luggage coming through without a hassle.

Looking ahead to the next few years overseas, there is much unknown to us. With that, can bring some level of uncertainty and worry. As if to remind us of who we have on our side, and that we can trust Him with all that uncertainty, before we even step foot in Papua, the Lord gave us a little show of His faithfulness and love to us today to start off the next few years. I pray that in the years to come, the Lord will remind me of this when things get hard, and I forget to trust Him.

We always travel with a pillow for the kids to sleep on and mommy to rest on. Inside that pillow, I shoved Silas' special blue blanket and Kali's baby doll before getting off the plane, as it was easier than trying to open up our bags to put them away. Somewhere in the process of getting off the plane, going through customs, getting our luggage, hauling out luggage, and loading it all into a van, we lost that pillow with the special things inside. We prayed last night that the Lord would return it to us safely at the hotel, with the plan that Derek would go out the next day to the airport to see if it was put in lost and found. I told Derek, it would be a miracle if that was returned to us, especially losing it in an airport! After breakfast this morning, just before Derek was about to leave, we got a call from the driver who picked us up from the airport. He said he'd found the pillow shoved under one of the seats in the van. Praise the Lord, that even those small details, though seemingly small, are still hugely important to Him. Not only did he return it, but right to our doorstep! This may seem small and insignificant, but these 2 irreplaceable items for the kids, were special enough to bring tears. If He cares about that, then how much more does He care for the even bigger things in our lives. We return from our furlough with full confidence in our loving Father who is going before us, smoothing out the path, and showing off His power, love, and faithfulness in our lives already. Praise the Lord!


Jim and Dottie Binder said...

So glad to read your news. The pillow incident brings a smile to my face. God is sooo good. Jim and I have experienced similar things when our children were growing up. God DOES care about blue blankets and special dolls!

Kate said...

Amen and Amen!!! How He cares for the birds of the field, how much MORE will He also care for us, His children?!!! Love you guys so much!!! XOXO

Join Us For Breakfast said...

:)Last night I read that the Lord Jesus' power is not diminished when he acts so he's not so busy doing the big things that he doesn't have power left to deal with the little things. He wants us to bring them to Him! :) As a mom though, I'd say favourite guys and blankets are not little things :)
Looking forward to hearing how things go for you all.
Take care,