Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Faces of Dao - Amiyo & Bokoisibo

Faces of Dao - Amiyo & Bokoisibo
Originally uploaded by Derek & Sarah Grant.

Amiyo and Bokoisibo are 2 of the young guys who have been super interested in the Bible teaching. They are faithfully there each day, and hang on every word. These 2 guys have shown clear understanding so far, and are well aware of their sin before a holy God. Please pray for them as they continue to listen. Derek will be introducing Jesus this week as the one alluded to in the lessons so far as the coming Redeemer. Please, also pray that they would not only understand and be saved, but that their old beief system would be smashed apart and replaced with the truth of God's Word, not merely synchronized into their existing beliefs. Pray they would become strong, mature believers.

1 comment:

Join Us For Breakfast said...

Prayed! Can't wait to hear how the week goes!