Monday, April 30, 2012

Surprises with a capital SSSSSS...

Surprises with a capital SSSSSS...
Originally uploaded by Derek & Sarah Grant.

We're back in Dao once again! After a year away, the house isn't exactly in the same order we left it. The cobwebs weren't as bad as I thought, the dust was settled in a thick layer over everything, the mold had grown on the walls, the roaches weren't as many as I anticipated, mice have yet to be seen, and some other unwanted guests decided our home was their den. Some of you have asked us if there are snakes in Dao, and until this time, my answer has always been, "I've yet to see one!" Well, in the last week we have seen 4 in our house. First one, taking a swim in our water tank. 2nd one, curled up behind a suitcase in our closet. 3rd one, inside one of our action packers (I still can't figure out how he got in there with the lid closed and sealed!), and the final one (I hope!!) in the kids room inside a rolled up carpet. Each one, Derek found, except the last. I went to pick up the small rolled up carpet to shake it open, but it felt a little heavier than it should, so I promptly put it down and called Derek to check inside. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to notice, cause if I'd shaken that carpet open the snake would have landed right on Kali. Needless to say, we are very cautious with each box, trunk, action packer, closet, cupboard, etc that we open. Still feeling pretty creeped out by that last snake today. The people say the snakes aren't poisonous. I don't know what kind of snake they are, but maybe one of you could identify it from the picture?? A week has gone by, and we are still cleaning and setting up. The process seems a lot slower than I remember, and we are SO ready to be settled in! But this is also the first time being back with 2 kids. All in all, the Lord has blessed us with encouragement from His Word, supplies to sustain us, sunshine to do laundry, rain to fill our water tank, hot water from our solar water heater, 4 working batteries that power our freezer, fridge and lights, and even a blender to blend up Kali's oatmeal and other baby food (and even a couple smoothies so far :)). Thank you all for your prayers for us. We couldn't do this alone!

WIth thankfulness,

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