Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tsembo and Dabedikaa

Tsembo and Dabedikaa
Originally uploaded by Derek & Sarah Grant.

These two little ones lost their dad, Wikipai, 3 years ago. Wikipai was one of our main Bible teachers, and he and his wife, Moipi, were very close friends. After he died, his wife was taken as a 2nd wife to a man named Yohanes. Yohanes is a tough guy, who has shown much resistance in the past. I have yet to see Moipi since she hasn't been back to our area since she was re-married, even though it is only a 2 hour hike away. Yohanes has forbidden her to come up here, where her husband died. Please pray for Yohanes to be open an receptive, as-well as for Moipi (who is a believer) to grow in her faith and these 2 little ones to also come to know their Saviour.

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